I am a painter and printmaker living in Fife, Scotland.I will be 70 in March 2020.I graduated in fine art at DJCAD (Dundee Art College) in 2013 and have been active part time since then. My subject matter varies from Portrait to landscape and into abstraction.
With regard to printing, I am often interested in the translation and cross information between printing disciplines eg screen printing and etching, how the subject matter of an etching becomes changed when used for a screen print. I am experimental with the processes. I usually develop ideas in a sketchbook and use photoshop to manipulate images which can used in photo-etching and screen printing.
As regards painting, what is important is that it be interesting. I strive for liveliness, energy and style. I struggle to lose constraints and received conceptions about art, and my taste constantly evolves and often returns to an earlier area of interest. Photography is an important source for me, but I use it only as a starting point.
In portraiture I have always felt a bit defeated by the example of say Lucian Freud, but increasingly I go for expression rather than literal accuracy, making a virtue out of my limitations perhaps !
I have always been an admirer of David Hockney and have also found encouragement from the example of artists such as Chantal Joffe and Gwen John.
I have joined OSNF (Open Studios North Fife ) this year and am a member of 'Printroom Dundee' (we have a website) and have exhibited with them in eastern Scotland over a number of years as well as participating in DCA (Dundee Contemporary Arts) events and exhibitions which have taken place annually for print makers who use the DCA studios. I have also exhibited independently at Ovenstone as a part of the Pittenweem Festival. I welcome visitors to my studio, but ask that you make an appointment in advance by phone or email.